GR Novarine 3.5g $50
per 1/8 ozLooking for a sativa that is more "tropical sunrise" than "cold brew"? Grassroots has cracked that c o d e with Novarine, an equatorial double-cross that will please all of the senses. First, your eyes are greeted with a bright green coloring on the flower that is only outdone by the vivid orange stigmas reaching out for more light. Opening up the buds allows the tropical flowery aroma to mix with the layers of fresh ground spices while the flower itself shows off an amazing structure. The floral aroma turns into a strong mix of citrus and herbs on each inhale, while the flowers stay behind on the palate on the exhale for justa bit longer. With a family lineage in the Thai Landrace, Novarine has showna unique quality of higher THCV than other sativa, which hasb e e n reported to supress hunger versus increase it.